Pre-register for 2020

12 September - 28 November 2020Stripped Pizza St.Gallen

Code Excursion is about peer-to-peer learning with an easy-going and inspiring community.

How it works

For a few weeks a group of motivated women meets once a week to follow an online course, learn what it means to speak "tech" and get hands-on experience with web development. All is set in the beautiful location of Stripped Pizza where the learning feels more like having a coffee with your friends. We aim for an easy-going community so that you can just come and concentrate on the learning part. Together it is all not that scary!

Who this course if for

  • Do you feel like it is time to learn something new?
  • Want to make curious and inspiring new friends?
  • Are you a self-starter and love to learn at your own pace?
  • Unsure what to study?
  • Want to become a developer? 

If you answered 2 of the above with: YES! this is for you! Having understood nothing about programming in Summer 2017, we can tell you that together it is possible to do it!

What you will learn

  • create a dynamic and responsive website
  • build a project every second week
  • discuss your projects in the group
  • talk confidently to anyone about tech-topics
  • talk to the mentors from companies
  • learn real skills that are used in the industry
  • work in agile sprints
This is course is suitable for complete beginners but also anyone needing a refresher in front-end web development.

All you need to know

We are meeting every Saturday at 09:00 - 11:30 at Stripped Pizza in St.Gallen. 

Included in the course fee are:

  •  Remote Web Development Course
  • Help by experienced coaches working in the industry
  • Community slack channel for help at anytime
  • Small breakfast: coffee, smoothies, bread rolls etc.

Pre-register for 2020


The next course starts in fall 2020. 

Do I have to have any pre-requisites? No – you can be an absolute beginner!

What should I expect from the meetings?  It will be around 10 - 20 women meeting weekly at Stripped Pizza, having coffee and each working on their own skills via online course. The online course is video-based with projects that you complete by yourself and the help of the mentors. It is very important to us to get you up to speed on how web development on the job works so you will find solutions by yourself as well as with your peers and the mentors. 

I already know that I am going to miss a few meetings. Can I still join? Definitely! The course is built in a way that you can learn when and where you want and still get access to mentors!

I'm stuck - what should I do? If you are stuck during the Code Excursion ask one of the available mentors on site. If you are working at home,  take a break - sleep well overnight and try again. If that did not help and you googled already every possible combination, don't hesitate to write on the slack channel. 

What can I expect to learn? Web Development! How to build a website as well as how to think and work as a developer.

Is programming difficult? Yes, we are not going to lie, it is tricky to get your head around it at first. That is why we meet weekly in a friendly environment. You can ask the mentors all your questions and in case you can't make it to the meeting you always have the slack channel readily available. Also having a clear objective what you want to learn and why you do it is helping a lot.

Why do I have to write a motivation to join? We want to get to know you a little bit and make sure that we have the same learning philosophy. 

Pre-register for 2020


Sonja Bloch

Wordpress Workshop

Sonja Bloch

Bereits in meiner Jugend, Ende der 90er Jahre, habe ich erste Websites erstellt. Die Möglichkeiten waren – gelinde gesagt – sehr beschränkt. Damals sprach noch niemand von User Experience, Call to Action etc.Nach meiner Ausbildung als Polygrafin und einigen Jahren in Werbeagenturen hatte mich dann das Web-Fieber wieder eingeholt. Zuerst als Projektleiterin bei Redesigns für KMU und internationale Firmen in Zusammenarbeit mit externen Agenturen, setzte ich nach und nach wieder selbst Websites, Newsletter etc. um.

Auf der Suche nach einem einfach zu bedienenden und flexiblen System, einem sogenannten CMS – Content Management Systems – lernte ich WordPress kennen. Die fast unendlichen Möglichkeiten und die Einfachheit haben mich von Anfang an begeistert. Im Gegensatz zu anderen, teils sehr komplexen CMS, lassen sich damit professionell und mit überschaubarem Aufwand Websites, Onlineshops und Plattformen erstellen. Und dank seiner intuitiven Bedienung können Sie das System und den Inhalt nach einer Schulung selbst pflegen.

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Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about the course!